لا يوجد أي عنصر على https://acta.gov.qa/ar-qa/media/Pages/default.aspx?RootFolder=%2FMediaGallery%2FOrganized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Administrative Control %26 Transparency Authority The conclusion of the educational workshop on “Code of Conduct and Integrity of Public Officials’ Charter”&FolderCTID=0x01200036FDEA7D6898B447B07B25A49667945200A09582CFC30DB6478283067972380D29&View={49583944-883E-4645-824C-962A35A19A17}. ربما قد تم حذفه أو تغيير اسمه بواسطة مستخدم آخر.
معرّف الارتباط: fa6d4ea1-6c37-9018-1238-7d5caae22df2
التاريخ والوقت: 09/09/2024 02:52:53 ص